Common Sense Starts Here
Together, we can make Hermon an unshakable stronghold of common-sense conservative values and bring sanity back to Maine. Become a Hermon Republican Committee Patriot supporter TODAY!
Budget Update
Updated Fiscal Year 2026 municipal and school department budgets are now available for review. Initial budget proposals suggest a potentially significant impact on taxes.
The Hermon School Committee approved the second reading of the Fiscal Year 2026 school budget on Monday, March 10th. The $20,592,564 budget is the result of more than two months of budget planning that started with an initial proposal of $22 million.
The proposed budget of $20,592,564 represents a 4.38% increase from the FY2025 budget.
Included in the increases are $103,699, or 2.69%, in non-payroll expenses.
An increase of $760,602, or 4.79%, in payroll reflects normal increases in employee wages and a substantial rise in the cost of insurance. This amount was achieved by the elimination of four positions and the reduction of hours for two administrative support positions.
Administrators assured those in attendance at the last finance meeting and the school committee meeting that the elimination and reduction of these positions will not result in the loss of any programs or activities, and the school administration is taking steps to minimize the direct impact on students.
The School Budget will be presented to the Town Council on Thursday, March 13th and voted on by the Town Council during the April or May Town Council meeting.
Budget documents can be found online at:
"Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." —1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Danielle Haggerty - Chair
Hermon GOP

Representative Jim Thorne and Hermon student Olivia Hunsinger joined Rick Tyler on the Voice of Maine to discuss her experience competing against a biological male at the State of Maine Indoor Track, Class B Championship last month. Olivia continues to make her parents and our community proud with her bravery.
Thank you to both Representative Jim Thorne and Olivia Hunsinger for working to protect all female athletes!
Hermon Student Olivia Hunsinger on VOM Rewind
~Upcoming Meetings and Events~
Hermon Town Council Meeting
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Starts at 6:30 pm
Public Safety Meeting Room
333 Billings Road
🇺🇸Hermon GOP Regular Meeting
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Starts at 6:30 pm
Hermon Skeet Club
20 Skeet Clb Ln
👩🎓Hermon School Committee Meeting
Monday, April 7, 2025
Starts at 6:30 pm
Hermon High School Library
2415 US-2
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